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Opportunity Details
Camera Operator Volunteer
Are you creative and passionate about capturing and communicating via video? We’re
looking for people to join our video ministry so those in the sanctuary and those joining online
can better grasp the truth of the Gospel! This position is specific to operating a camera
position in the Boca sanctuary - an excellent volunteer will partner with our video team to
better connect people with God during worship and Bible Study.
The expectations to serve in this role:
An ability to stay focused for a period of time.
A responsiveness to frame and hold camera shots as the director requests.
A teachable spirit and a willing heart.
A desire to be a team player
Willing to commit to one service per week.
The goal of the team:
To capture and communicate worship and Bible teaching well
To help those in the room and online feel connected and better understand God’s word.
To continue to grow together in Christ and as a production team.
Time needed:
Weekly during regular service times, as well as occasional special events
The length of time could be up to 2 hours of time
Initial orientation process, and occasional trainings to grow in your craft.
To find out more information, or to take the next step, sign up below!
Campus / Location:
Boca Raton
Ministry Area:
Church Services and Support
Vol (18 and up)
Audio/Visual BR
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